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ciMES (Computer Integrated Manufacturing Execution System) is an MES (Manufacturing Execution System) or production operating system developed by ARES that is widely used in the manufacturing industry. The system connects with machinery or manually inputs data during operations to collect information and transmit it to the process controller for overseeing the entire production process.


ciMES covers since production planning, purchase order information, calculating raw materials to match BOM, controlling the production process, collecting data and monitoring production quality. All production data will be linked in each product to create “Product Resume”.









ciMES Benefit_EN



  • Real-time notification, then track fixing process on-time, dashboard for overall production process & track QA to improve product quality to fit in tier 1 customer.
  • Control production line with multi sensor base on different operation environment. Utilize mobile device, scanning device and station design, simplify production process, increase worker’s production efficiency.
  • Monitor equipment and maintenance to reduce abnormal equipment.
  • Record production detail, improve production process and follow up work order tracking. Real-time collect machine data, system calculate analysis, reduce manual OEE or yield rate.
  • Raw material usage accuracy, avoid high defective rate.
  • Integrate with ERP, able to manage different issue ex. worker reporting, KPI, accurate cost calculation and so on.


• ciMes and Gartner's research

• ciMes received the Taiwan Excellence Award

• Web-based HMI (Human-Machine Interface) browser platform

• Supports multiple languages

• Allows custom screen naming

• Customized Logic Rules

• Configuration of graphics and conditions

• Parallel operation of work orders

• Various template options

• Easy integration with various ERP systems

• Auto message response

• Report

Mobile Application

1. Supporting Platform

  • Android

  • iOS

  • Windows

2. Interface and Search

  • On-site search applicable to production line posting and defective data collection.

  • Quality management applicable for mobile patrol operation personnel, including process and quality inspection.

  • Report searching applicable for inspection result search.

3. Suitable Staff

  • All staffs and operators are suitable users for this app and can use various functions according to authorized usages.

4. Benefits

  • Achieving mobile auditing and management.

  • Reducing the need of copying data by hand.

