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Why ciMes?

Why ciMes?


    ciMES (Computer Integrated Manufacturing Execution System) is an MES Manufacturing Execution System which can also be called a factory operation control system.

     We provide extremely complete modules related to factory production, management and control, including resource allocation and status processing, manufacturing processes, assigning production units, work instructions, data collection and retrieval, manpower management, quality management, process management, maintenance management etc. which contain many functions such as product tracking, historical records, performance analysis, etc.


* WIP Management:
Accurate management reduces the backlog in production

* Order Status:
Improve the quality of customer service

* Equipment Utilization Rate:
Real-time information collection, improves equipment utilization

* Instant Capacity:
Real-time collection of on-site information

* Staff Working Hours:
Effective analysis of working hours to improve performance

* Centralized Information:
Centralized information integration provides complete report

* Quality Management:
Real-time grasp quality data to improve production yield

*Production History:
Full production traceability of the product provided

* Material Control:
Accurate feedback of material information

ciMES Benefits


*Web-Based Interface Browser

The system is implemented into the home page of the company using web-based structure. Users do not need to install any add-ons. Using any browser will allow immediate online production management, thus making the task of information department more convenient, and lower department spending on maintenance.

*Multilingual System Online Switch

ciMES supports a variety of languages: Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, English and etc.

*Title Customization

The user can customize terminology, avoiding any misunderstanding, and also lower the system adaption time.

*Customized Logic Rules

ciMES provides many standard production commands, letting clients to use these commands to generate unique production logic.

*Route Setting

ciMES uses graphical and object concept to set up systems such as equipment, station, route, and production batch. Detailed parameter and property setting functions satisfy the needs in production or route of the client.

*Order Parallel Operation

If the user intends to simplify order form and material distribution operation among various self-made semi-finished goods, ciMes has the ability to undertake ERP system order forms and convert them into multiple order form parallel operation to conduct production management.

*Multiple Industry Template

Not only does ciMES provides modulized features, by using the special structure in production, ciMES can create production logic rules for various industries. These include templates for LED, panels, assembly, testing and other industries.

*Instant Production Information

The system supports online search function. The user can immediately access information such as WIP, order form, material, equipment, yield rate or defective product analysis for production department to immediately grasp factory status, improving operation efficiency and meeting request of on-time delivery.

*Various Reports

ciMES provides different categories of production reports as well as report source codes for search and analysis as well as facilitating future expansion and self-modification of reports

*ERP Integration

ciMES can be integrated with Oracle ERP, SAP, TipTop, Workflow, ArgoERP, and other ERP systems.

*Software Central Control

The system provides high screen resolution and text size, and periodically update the information with a central report structure for a better view on output, yield rate, quality, quantity on site, etc. This allows instant monitoring and decision.


Mobile Application

1. Supporting Platform

  • Android
  • iOS
  • Windows

2. Interface and Search

  • On-site search applicable to production line posting and defective data collection.
  • Quality management applicable for mobile patrol operation personnel, including process and quality inspection.
  • Report searching applicable for inspection result search.

3. Suitable Staff

  • All staffs and operators are suitable users for this app and can use various functions according to authorized usages.

4. Benefits

  • Achieving mobile auditing and management.
  • Reducing the need of copying data by hand.


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