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ArgoPortal 2


Delivers precision in information and amplifies business efficiency!

Anywhere real-time access order and inventory status

Through Argo Portal, companies gain the capability to access real-time order and inventory status from anywhere, enabling enhanced order processing efficiency with accurate information at their fingertips. Argo business information verification feature ensures the swift display of up-to-the-minute and precise data, simplifying processes like expense reimbursement for external work or other expenditures. 


Effortlessly initiate document requests for various expenses through Argo Portal

Argo Portal streamlines expense reimbursements for employees, offering a quick and easy process. It also optimizes internal workflows, allowing supervisors to promptly review and approve uploaded expense evidence, reducing paperwork. This paperless approach extends to various tasks, including leave requests, overtime requests, and notifications of missed work time entries, all of which can be efficiently approved online, simplifying attendance tracking. 


Argo Portal seamlessly integrates with the Argo Application 

Enabling online reporting of employee check in-out records and conveniently check their own records, while supervisors receive real-time notifications of employee working hour status. HR also automatically know leave requests, overtime requests, and notifications of absent, reducing HR workload and also allows tracking of approval signatures. 


Surveys and voting function can show the participation of organization employee

Companies can conduct questionnaires and votes to involve employees in various organizational activities or gather feedback on specific topics. Argo Portal offers customizable document forms for inquiries, allowing users to adjust question formats, including anonymous options. The survey results can be exported as Excel files for data analysis. 


Argo Portal provides a comprehensive CRM system

For efficient management of current and future customers. Even when an employee resigns, their customer contact information remains accessible, ensuring seamless operations. The system preserves historical data, enabling efficient searches for customer visits and business interactions.  

Supervisors can access customer information and business status anytime, anywhere, facilitating timely decision-making and task assignment. Company can leverage customer information for effective management of existing and prospective customers, including easy access history to prevent pricing discrepancies. Additionally, able to input meeting details on the workday calendar for accurate tracking and reference. 


Foster real-time business connections by eliminating time and distance constraints 

Argo Portal supports online meetings on various topics, facilitating employee interaction and communication regardless of location. Supervisors can actively participate in meetings, offering feedback and guidance promptly. This collaborative environment enhances working comfort and does not disrupt daily operations. Argo Portal provides an array of office tools, promoting daily workplace efficiency through Argo system with secure cloud storage, accessible information, and a paperless work environment. 

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