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ArgoPortal 1


Advancements in technology have brought about a transformation in people's work habits. 

Traditionally, employees were required to commute to their workplaces and adhere to strict schedules. However, with the advent of supported devices capable of connecting to the internet, the concept of working from home has gained popularity. This shift is facilitated by the Argo Portal Cloud, which enables employees to easily work remotely. 

Product architectureSynchronize ERP information for real-time efficiency Argo Portal content-01.jpg

Argo Portal allows users to access various files, including customer information, warehouse data, purchase and sales orders, and records of business visits, from anywhere and at any time. This flexibility greatly enhances work convenience. It empowers individuals to stay updated on their customers' latest orders and real-time warehouse status, enabling swift responses to customer demands. Additionally, it facilitates the sharing of post-business discussion details related to customer visits. 

ERP Flow in Argo Portal Cloud empowers users to sign and approve documents at their convenience, streamlining everyday tasks. It aligns with the transition toward a paperless work environment and offers the freedom of a mobile office. Beyond the flexibility of working from various locations and at flexible hours, Argo Portal aids in diverse aspects of work management, including customer service (monitoring product, sales status, payment), supply chain management (tracking supply cycles, payment verification, and product delivery status), and more. 


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Argo Portal simplifies day-to-day company operations. 

On Argo Portal web page serves as a data collection hub and incorporates a precise cloud system for efficient data sharing and forwarding. Argo Portal facilitates swift online data transmission in both send and receive directions, enabling various functions like under consideration transactions, public relations, board discussions, online surveys, etc., allows company employees access work through the same channels—all accessible through a unified platform. By utilizing a single platform, this unified approach streamlines information exchange enhances daily work efficiency within the company. 

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