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RMA & FAE Module


Enhance after-sales service to satisfy customers by using the excellent product warranty system.

  • Quickly handle customer requests
  • Reduce product insurance information search time
  • Able to know exactly the cause, status and history of the product
  • Provide the collect spare parts for problematic products
  • Instantly manage substitute goods from warehouses or suppliers
  • Statistical analysis of repair data to improve production quality in the future
  • Field maintenance application for engineers (FAE)


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Check the maintenance process, warranty and control of repair progress.

     Product information is recorded on the electronic warranty card, customer service team can know the status of the product by using RMA system to track product maintenance situation and check spare parts from inventory immediately. Reduces search time for warranty periods and terms by 95%, enabling faster repairs.

Statistical analysis of maintenance data

     Effectively improve production quality and productivity. The system will record detailed maintenance information and generate various statistics reports automatically, shorten the time of data analysis to know the cause of defective products. Entrepreneurs can use this information in development and material selection to improve the product to be more efficient.

Maintenance Time Control

     Verifying a product's information without a system is wasting time and delays, causing customers extremely unsatisfied. RMA system helps employees reduce the time spent searching for product warranty terms. It also allows maintenance teams to perform customer service tasks faster as well.

Why ArgoRMA/FAE ?

  • Handling repair orders under warranty conditions
  • Manage repairs inventory and spare parts warranty
  • Manage delivery of completed repairs warranty
  • Manage maintenance information charts and reports
  • Manage online and submit repair actions
  • Manage production serial number information and material source verification

     Adding brand value and showing excellent product quality by providing maintenance services within the warranty period represent the responsibility of the organization towards to customers.

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