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Enter business 4.0 within your fingertips

  Let the system work instead and have more time to relax with ArgoERP software, a system for planning and controlling resources in the organization to make the business work as efficiently as possible. All information from each department of the organization will be synchronized in the system, able to acknowledge the direction to continue your business without worries. Moreover, the system applicable for all businesses, can be adjusted according to the organizational structure and no user limit.

Industry 4

Documents management (PO/SO etc.), VAT calculation, Warehouse management
Establishing Guidelines, Cost Estimating, Future Planning
Production planning, Raw material calculation, Production period estimating
Raw materials quality check, OEE calculation, real-time acknowledge results and problems
Simply summarize and analysis overall business operations.


    Many organizations are investing in technology to keep their business on going and continue to invest for a the long term valuable. Technology is a tool that helps to reduce unnecessary raw materials purchasing and labor costs. Futhermore, technology make work easier to get results that meet the needs of processing with precise calculations and high safety enabling businesses to fully advance into the 4.0 era.